Riding the Dunwich Dynamo

There are eight of us who meet in Peckham on a Saturday night in July. We wind our way through the hot streets to London Fields for 8pm. There are hundreds of cyclists milling around outside the pub, yelling their location into their phones, checking their tyres or checking out the bikes. Then we cycleContinue reading “Riding the Dunwich Dynamo”

October cycling BHAG update

It’s starting to get dark earlier; 7:30, 7, 6:30 so that now it’s dark when I leave work, not just when I arrive. Sometimes I find cycling at night dull; there’s a flatness to the city, a literal lack of light and shade. But there are some good rides in the dark, when it’s notContinue reading “October cycling BHAG update”

September cycling BHAG update

No riding for the first two weeks as the Canadienne is visiting, and there are too many other plans. She is surprised it’s Autumn here, but at the start of the month, it really is. Coolness nips at the edges of the days and a sort of regal mustiness is settling over Greenwich park as theContinue reading “September cycling BHAG update”

August cycling BHAG update

August has been a funny month; the weather seemed unsure of itself, sunny in patches, damp often and generally grey and cool. There’s a golden edge coming to the leaves already, and the people on the streets seem unsure of things: a man in a t-shirt, a girl in a mac, someone else walking pastContinue reading “August cycling BHAG update”

July Cycling BHAG Update

July is supposed to be midsummer, but here in England it’s not so sure; the weather is sketchy, blowy and cool, the sun fleeting. Sasha has fixed the troubles with his road bike – fitting hand built wheels with strong spokes in place of the good-looking but fragile stock ones – so we tend toContinue reading “July Cycling BHAG Update”

London to Brighton charity cycle ride, this weekend

 Speaking of cycling – yes, I realise it’s pretty much all I do on here now – this weekend I will be pedalling 55 miles from London town down to the seaside in aid of the British Heart Foundation. I’ve got a heart, you’ve got a heart, and some cash would make both of ourContinue reading “London to Brighton charity cycle ride, this weekend”

Six things I have learned from cycling home

The clunk of the crank and the spin of the wheels with sun in their spokes; the way your legs move like you’re running but your feet never touch the ground. Stopped traffic, the smooth swoop of a fast corner and with it the freedom of the city. I cycled quite a lot when IContinue reading “Six things I have learned from cycling home”